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Conundrum Peak

conundrum peak

39.01400°N / 106.863°W

14064 ft

4287 m

Located near Aspen, CO, USA, Conundrum Peak rises 14,060 feet above sea level. Trails leading up the mountain provide a challenging and exhilarating climb.

Good summer and spring snow season routes exist. Difficulty ranges from class 2 – 3. The Montezuma Basin Road allows the 4×4 equipped to park as high as 12,500 feet.


The distance to Conundrum Hot Springs from the Conundrum Creek trailhead is approximately 8.5 miles (one-way) with an elevation gain of 2,400 feet. The trailhead starts at 8,800 feet elevation and climbs continuously through the valley to the hot springs at 11,200 feet. The effects of the high elevation environment, including altitude sickness, should not be underestimated.